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Vanilla Ice Cream

  • RECIPE MAKES: Approximately 600ml
  • PREP TIME: Whipping cream: 10 minutes plus cooling time; 30 minutes + 4 hours or
  • COOK TIME: Overnight Vanilla ice cream: 10 minutes plus freezing time: 1 hour + 3 hours minimum
Whipping Cream
Step 1

Place ingredients into a medium-sized saucepan. Place over a gentle heat; continually stirring until the mixture starts to simmer and thicken. Pour into a medium-sized bowl and using an electric mixer, blend for 40 seconds. Leave to cool to room temperature (30 minutes), then cover and place in the refrigerator; 4 hours, preferably overnight.

Step 2

Remove from refrigerator and whip to form a light and airy consistency by using electric beater or whisk.

Vanilla Ice Cream
Step 1

Add sugar and essence to ProZero whipping cream which has just been prepared (above). Stir in colouring (if using). Taste and add more sugar if required.

Step 2

Pour mixture into a large freezer proof container and place in the freezer for 1 hour.

Step 3

Remove from freezer; using a fork or wire whisk, quickly beat to break up any ice crystals. Return ice cream to freezer for further 3 hours (minimum). Serve cold.


Serving suggestions:

Serve with permitted fruit.


Top tip:

ProZero ice cream is easy to make in an ice cream maker; simply pour mixture into your machine after finishing step 1 above.   Then, following manufacturer’s instructions; churn until the ice cream is thick and frozen.   Enjoy straight away or transfer to a suitable container and freeze until needed.

*ProZero is a food for special medical purposes and must be used under medical supervision.

  • Whipping Cream (makes 600ml)
  • 2 cups (2 x 250ml tetra packs) ProZero*
  • 125g margarine
  • 5 heaped tsp (25g) cornflour
  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • 600ml chilled ProZero whipping cream
  • ½ cup heaped (120g) castor sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla essence
  • Few drops yellow food colouring (optional)