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Fate™ products allow you to create deliciously light sponge cakes, breads, puddings and crumbles and more.


What is Fate?

Eileen Green, the founder of FATE has also developed many low protein recipes. Many are available as part of the notes and recipes that accompany each Low Protein Mix. Other recipes are included in her recipe book “Fate Special Recipes”.

Available Fate products include:

  • All purpose mix 500g – A Versatile mix that can be used for low protein bread, pastried, pancakes, scones, muffins and cakes and much more.
  • Chocolate cake mix 2 x 250g – Chocolate flavoured mix for light sponge cakes, puddings and crumbles.
  • Cake mix 2 x 250g – For deliciously light sponge cakes, puddings and crumbles as an all in one mix.

To purchase any Fate products you can

  • Use the Fate Order form within the 'Useful Resources' section
  • Freecall 1800 230 889
  • Email

Resource available for purchase: Fate Special Recipe book by Eileen Green.

Free home delivery service available.

Explorers Club

If you haven’t done so already, why not browse our Vitafriends Explorers Club – an education programme for families managing PKU in the early years.