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Strawberry Heart Pie

  • RECIPE MAKES: 1 portion
  • COOK TIME: 1hr 5 mins
  1. Rub the Fate Low Protein All-Purpose Mix and the margarine together in a mixing bowl until it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
  2. In a separate bowl add the sugar to the water, stir until dissolved and add to the breadcrumbs. Stir until combined into a pastry.
  3. Leave to rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas mark 6.
  5. Dust a clean work surface with Fate Low Protein All-Purpose Mix and knead the pastry for one minute until smooth.
  6. Using a rolling pin, roll out one third of the pastry to 1cm thickness and using a knife cut out an 8cm heart shape.
  7. Roll out the remaining pastry to 1cm thickness and using a knife, cut out a 10cm heart shape.
  8. Place the marshmallows and strawberries in the centre of the smaller heart.
  9. Cover with the larger pastry heart and using a fork, crimp around the edges to seal.
  10. Brush the top of the pastry with ProZero and bake for 25 mins or until golden.
  11. Cool on a wire rack.

Fate Low Protein All-Purpose Mix and ProZero are foods for special medical purposes and must be used under medical supervision. This recipe has been specifically designed for a low protein diet.