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Home > Vitafriendspku > Recipes > Low Protein Ice Cream (Mango)
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Low Protein Ice Cream (Mango)

  • RECIPE MAKES: 10 portions / Prep Time: 30 mins / Cook Time: 20 mins
  • COOK TIME: Chilling Time: 3-4 hours
First make the cream
  1. Place ProZero, butter and cornflour into a saucepan.
  2. Gently heat and keep stirring until mixture becomes thick.
  3. Take off heat and blend for 30-40 seconds using a hand-held blender or a liquidiser until smooth.
  4. Place into container and leave to cool.
  5. Cover and chill for 2-3 hours in a refrigerator.
  6. When chilled place the ProZero cream into a bowl. Using an electric whisk, whip the cream for 2 minutes until it becomes light and airy.
  7. Fold in sugar and tinned pureed mango.
  8. Pour mixture into an ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions. It should become thick and light (be careful not to over-churn the ice cream as it will become dense).
  ProZero is a food for special medical purposes and must only be used under strict medical supervision.