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Home > Vitafriendspku > Recipes > Frightening Frankenstein Toast
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Frightening Frankenstein Toast

  • RECIPE MAKES: 1 portion
  • COOK TIME: 10-15 minutes
Step 1

Toast the low protein bread.

Step 2

Cut the cucumber in half and slice one half lengthways into approximately 8cm long slices, cover the surface of the toast, trim the cucumber as needed to fit the toast.

Step 3

Place 2 carrot slices on the top half of the toast to resemble eyes and place the olive halves in the centre of the carrots.

Step 4

Cut a circular slice of cucumber and cut in half. Place these on either side of the toast to resemble like ears

Step 5

Using half the Violife slice, cut 5 triangles and place along the top of the toast to resemble hair.

Step 6

Place a slice of red pepper on the bottom half of the toast to resemble a smile.

Step 7

Using the remainder of the Violife, cut 2 smaller triangles to resemble fangs and cut some smaller strips to resemble the scar on the side of toast.

  • 1 slice of Low protein bread (see recipe)
  • 1 Cucumber
  • ½ Carrot, peeled and sliced
  • 1 Olive, halved
  • ½ Red Pepper, sliced
  • 1 Slice of Violife original flavour