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Fate Traditional Trifle

  • RECIPE MAKES: Prep Time: 10-15 mins
  • COOK TIME: 30 mins
Step 1: double ‘cream’
  1. Make ProZero double cream (see ProZero ‘cream’ recipe)
Step 2: Fate Sponge cake
  1. Pre-heat the oven, Gas 5 190°C 375°F.
  2. Place the Fate Cake Mix into a mixing bowl. Add the margarine and the orange juice. Mix well for 1 minute and pour it into a greased and lined tray bake tin.
  3.  Bake for 12 - 15 mins until risen and firm.
  4. Take out of the oven, and immediately turn it out. Remove the paper that lined the tin, and throw it away.
  5. Leave the sponge cake to cool, cut it in half, and spread with jam and sandwich the two pieces together. It doesn’t have to be neat. You will only need just under half the cake.
Step 3:
  1. Decide which fruit you would like to use.
Step 4:
  1. Make the ProZero thick custard. (see Prozero custard recipe)
Step 5: Putting the trifle together
  1.  Leave the custard to cool for 10 minutes.
  2. In the base of a pretty dish, place a layer of slices of Fate sponge cake with jam, and press down a little.
  3. Moisten with a few spoonfuls of suitable fruit juice or sweet sherry, brandy or rum.
  4. Add the fruit to the dish on top of the sponge cake.
  5. Add the thick ProZero custard.
  6. Leave to cool completely.
  7. Meanwhile, place the ProZero double ‘cream’ into a bowl, and using an electric hand mixer on high speed, whip the cream until it is light and airy. This will probably take 3-4 mins.
  8. Spoon the whipped ‘cream’ onto the top of the custard. Place into the fridge to chill thoroughly.
  9. Just before serving, add a suitable decoration.
  Fate Low Protein Cake Mix, Vitabite and ProZero are foods for special medical purposes and must only be used under medical supervision.