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Fate Low Protein Bread

  • RECIPE MAKES: Protein Free Per Slice / Makes 2 loaves (10 slices per loaf)
  • COOK TIME: 60 Mins Prep / 35 Mins Cook
  1. Pre-heat oven to 200°C. Measure 1 Tbsp Mix, place to one side.
  2. Place remaining Mix, yeast, and salt into a large bowl, stir well.
  3. Combine oil, water, and Parisian in a jug, pour over dry ingredients, mix immediately with an electric beater, 30 seconds. Using blades only, now stir gently; 1-2 mins, until the mixture is smooth and silky.
  4. Divide mixture evenly across two, 13cm x 24cm log baking tins which have been lightly sprayed with oil. Dust hands with reserved Mix, gently press top of each loaf to level the surface.
  5. Place tins into a large polythene bag, tie up ends, trapping enough air so bag lifts above bread. Leave in a warm place until dough has almost doubled in size.
  6. Bake, approx. 35 mins, until tops are golden brown. Remove loaves from tins and place, place on a wire rack to cool.