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Cinnamon and Sultana Bagels

  • COOK TIME: 1hr 25 mins
  1. Place water, oil, yeast, psyllium husk and 30g of the brown sugar into a bowl. Mix well and allow to stand for 5 minutes until mixture thickens.
  2. Place Fate low protein all-purpose mix, cinnamon and sultanas into a separate bowl. Mix well and make a small well in the middle.
  3. Add psyllium husk mixture to the Fate low protein all-purpose mix and, using your hands, mix until a dough is formed.
  4. Knead dough for 3-5 minutes in the bowl. Cover with cling film and leave to proof for 30 minutes.
  5. Once rested for 30 minutes - divide the dough into four equal amounts.
  6. Pre-heat oven to 220°C/200° C fan/gas mark 7.
  7. Shape each dough into a flattish ball, then take a wooden spoon and use the handle to make a hole in the middle of each ball. Slip the handle into the hole, then twirl the bagel around the handle to make a hole about 3cm wide.
  8. Meanwhile, bring a large pan of water to the boil and add in the remaining sugar. Whilst waiting for the water to boil, line a baking tray with parchment.
  9. Place the bagels into the boiling water - Cook for 1-2 mins, turning over in the water until the bagels have puffed slightly and an outer skin has formed.
  10. Remove the bagels from the water using a slotted spoon and drain away any excess water. Place on the baking tray.
  11. Bake in the oven for 25 mins until browned and crisp - the bases should sound hollow when tapped. Leave to cool on a wire rack.