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A day in the life...

 Bianca Albanese
by    Bianca Albanese

Alarm went off at 5am! Leaving me 40 minutes to make it to my F45 class (a HIIT class). This is enough time for me to snooze for a few more minutes before I convince myself that I have to get up, wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed. Then off I go – a short but cold stroll to the studio.


On the menu this morning for breakfast – Bruschetta. I love this. Light and healthy. I use two slices of a low protein bread, sliced cherry tomato, oil, oregano, salt and pepper.
I follow this with my medical formula while I’m rushing around the house getting ready.

While working arrangement these days are quite flexible, I do like to head into the office at least one or two days a week, if not solely for the social aspect. I am currently in my final year of my PhD, so running statistics and writing manuscripts and my thesis are my focus right now. Staying mentally sharp is critical for me, and I think how I manage that is through preparation. While I don’t have all the time in the world to make elaborate meals every day, I do cook larger quantities when I do.

I get hungry so I pack a lot of snacks along with my lunch. A mandarin, some low protein crackers with vegan cheese and a chocolate and coconut snack bar.

And we can’t forget my medical supplement. I never know how long my days will go for, so taking extra sachets always helps. I take one for lunch and another for the afternoon or evening if I find I need something to tide my over until I get home for dinner.

Now off to work!
On my walk from the car to the office I stop by the local café. I know they carry Minor Figures Oat Milk which is only 0.5g protein per cup! This automatically makes it my default café for my morning cappuccino.

OK ready to start the day!

I had a lot on today at the office. I have been working on 2 first author manuscripts from my PhD data. One I needed to send around to my co-authors for comment and the other is in the final stages of write-up. I got to check my emails and send around my first manuscript to co-authors just as a 5-minute reminder for my weekly meeting with my PhD supervisor buzzed. So off I went.

After an hour catch-up, chatting about my papers and preparing for some future data analysis it was time for lunch. Off to the office kitchen to warm up my food and prepare my formula too.

Back to work. I have a submission tomorrow. I am applying to help supervise a Science or Medical Science Honours student next year. I need to think up a year-long project, prepare a project description and also a poster for an Honours project exhibition day.

Mid-afternoon snack. Weight watcher’s coconut and chocolate bar for 0.9g protein. And I was still hungry so in between reading papers, I was snacking on some low protein crackers with vegan cheese.

Poster in progress, and it’s home time!

Late one tonight. Back at 7 and I’m tired. As I said, I don’t always have time or energy for extravagant meals. I’m quite happy to eat something quick and easy. Low protein pancakes were a perfect choice. Served with a drizzle of rice malt syrup, followed by my medical supplement.

I had 1 gram left so treated myself to a lemon drizzle fibre 1 bar – 1g protein.

Off to bed embarrassingly early (around 9:30pm) and ready for my 5am alarm again in the morning.

Explorers Club

If you haven’t done so already, why not browse our Vitafriends Explorers Club – an education programme for families managing PKU in the early years.