There are many different factors that can affect phe levels. Your dietitian will be able to give you guidance on these, so you will know what to expect.
It is normal for children to suffer with common childhood illnesses like coughs, colds or high temperatures. If your child is unwell, encourage fluids and energy (via fluids and easy to eat foods).
If your child is gaining weight and growing well you know they are eating enough. If children are losing weight or not gaining then they need to eat more calories (energy).
Eating too much or not enough protein as advised by your dietitian can affect blood phe levels.
If your child is not taking their protein substitute, talk to them and try to understand why. There are many reasons why a child will not take their protein substitute and it may be an easy fix. If your child’s concerns are listened to they will feel supported. If it is because they dislike their current protein substitute, speak to your child’s dietitian and ask if there are alternatives to try. This way, your child can feel some control in choosing what protein substitute they will carry on taking.